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Showing posts from January, 2019

Coming back to this blog! Updates!

This is pretty weird but it's been a longgg time since I posted. Well, to be honest, I only posted once which is pretty terrible. However, I am glad to say that my Japanese studies did not come to a sudden stop like my blogging did. I ended up taking my first Japanese classes in university about a month after my first blog post. Safe to say, the hours of studying I did and all the things I learned (with great difficulty) was covered in like the first hour of class and I was pretty much in the same boat as everyone else.  I took the first three beginning classes of Japanese. In UCLA, the Japanese courses are labelled J1, J2, J3 for the beginning Japanese classes. Then it moves on to J4, J5, and J6 which are the intermediate courses. They only offer each course specifically once each school year. So I did J1, 2, and 3 my Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters respectively. However, I decided to take a summer intensive which was a 9 week course where J4, 5, and 6 were all combined...